1. Registration of companion animals. Read more >>> 
  2. Additional measures during the transportation of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) with passenger ships. Read more >>> 

Itineraries’ modifications. Get informed >>>

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Attica Group announces that, as part of its fleet expansion initiatives, its subsidiary Blue Star Ferries Maritime S.A. took delivery today of Ro-Pax BLUE GALAXY from  shipowning company Hellas 2 Leasing M.C. under a bareboat charter agreement.

BLUE GALAXY has overall length of 192 meters, a speed of 24 knots and capacity to carry 1,500 passengers and 703 private vehicles or 150 freight units and 70 private vehicles.

The vessel, after an extensive renovation, offers upgraded passenger services and all modern amenities for a comfortable, luxurious and fast trip including, 658 beds, aircraft type seats, A la Carte and Self-Service restaurant, bars, lounges and boutique.

The ship will be deployed on the Piraeus-Crete lines as part of the joint service with ANEK LINES S.A.

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