1. Registration of companion animals. Read more >>> 
  2. Additional measures during the transportation of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) with passenger ships. Read more >>> 

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Corporate Affairs Excelence Award for the CSR program «Traditional Occupations»

Blue Star Ferries, member of Attica Group and MSPS Corporate Affairs have been awarded with the Corporate Affairs Excellence Award under the category “Low Budget Program” during this year’s top communications event, organized for the first time by the Hellenic Management Association.

The award was a result of the CSR action “Traditional Occupations” which aims at reviving and preserving traditional occupations and arts that are continuously facing the danger of extinction. Through the company’s official website www.bluestarferries.gr, Blue Star Ferries introduces a series of occupations and arts that are found in the Greek islands while at the same time it promotes the role of local societies and the vitality of protecting our national heritage.

“Traditional Occupations” is a part of Attica Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility Program entitled “With you as our destination”, which is handled by MSPS Corporate Affairs for company’s domestic routes.

Athens, 20 November 2012